IE8 gains market share at Microsoft’s own expense


New browser cuts into IE7’s market share, while Firefox, Safari and Chrome boost theirs


Gains made by Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) since its launch last Thursday have come at the expense of the older IE7, according to data from Irish metrics firm StatCounter.

And while IE7’s market share has fallen by 2.6 percentage points since last Wednesday, the day before Microsoft Corp. released IE8, most rival browsers showed significant gains, giving credence to the idea that Microsoft’s newest venture has not pushed users of its competitors to switch. Continue reading

Chrome beats the hackers in annual browser bash

The Pwn2Own competition, which is held every year to challenge hackers and security experts to find vulnerabilities in web browsers and mobile devices, has taken its usual share of victims with one surprise survivor during its first day.

Targeted browsers included Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla’s Firefox, and Google’s Chrome, running on a Sony Vaio notebook running Windows 7 as well as Safari and Firefox on a Macbook running OS X.

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FireFox 3.5版再度推迟至6月推出


业内人士称,火狐3.5版原计划今年初推出,但由于测试环节增加等因素,今年年中推出的可能性更大.火狐3.1 beta 3版于上周发布,而下一测试版则更名为火狐3.5,Mozilla称,“将火狐3.1更名为火狐3.5的决定反映了我们所做的大量工作不仅仅只是对 Firefox 3.0的简单升级.”

Mozilla“传道者”克里斯·波利扎德(Chris Blizzard)上周五在twitter上撰博称,在最终版推出前,将在“2-3月”内发布火狐3.5限量版.

目前,微软的IE 8已进入最后阶段,苹果也发布了Safari 4测试版,Opera也正在对其浏览器进行改进,以加快JavaScript处理速度,自谷歌Chrome推出以来,JavaScript处理技术已经成为浏览器研发的决定性战场.由于面临激烈竞争,Mozilla已经决定在火狐3.5版中增添新功能.据悉,火狐3.5增添的新功能包括更完美的数据隐私控制,改进了的页面布局和视图,特别是增添了TraceMonkey JavaScript编译器.