Download Windows 7 Ultimate Build 7100 EN RC (x86)

Revealing Virtual Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

Rafael Rivera and Paul Thurrott reveal a new Windows 7 application compatibility feature called Windows XP Mode. Yes, it’s that “secret new feature” you’ve been hearing about …

Over a month ago, we were briefed about a secret Microsoft technology that we were told would be announced alongside the Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC) and would ship in final form simultaneously with the final version of Windows 7. This technology, dubbed Windows XP Mode (XPM, formerly Virtual Windows XP or Virtual XP, VXP), dramatically changes the compatibility story for Windows 7 and, we believe, has serious implications for Windows development going forward. Here’s what’s happening.

XPM is built on the next generation Microsoft Virtual PC 7 product line, which requires processor-based virtualization support (Intel and AMD) to be present and enabled on the underlying PC, much like Hyper-V, Microsoft’s server-side virtualization platform. However, XPM is not Hyper-V for the client. It is instead a host-based virtualization solution like Virtual PC; the hardware assistance requirement suggests this will be the logical conclusion of this product line from a technological standpoint. That is, we fully expect future client versions of Windows to include a Hyper-V-based hypervisor.

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Windows 7 RC 1 Coming May 5?


As we noted earlier that Microsoft was rumored to unveil Windows 7 release candidate in May. On Saturday, Michael Stanclift of pointed out the Microsoft Partner Program page stating Windows 7 RC release date. Continue reading

Sneak Peek at Windows 7 Mobile & Zune?

Windows Mobile 6.5 is not even here yet, but that is not stopping Microsoft from teasing 7 so far.

In the video below, titled “software + services”. We see someone using a OS that we believe to be a mock up of Windows Mobile 7. We also see him using a music app, that looks suspiciously like Zune. Complete with Zune’s “twist” interface.

Watch the video at the link below and decide for yourself,

WMPoweruser also grabbed some screenshots from the video

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How I Came to Get a PC and Not a Mac


News Commentary. Microsoft’s “Laptop Hunters” commercials have generated lots of Mac vs. Windows PC debate. Surely there can’t be enough, so I’d like to generate even more. Quite unexpectedly, I’m a PC. I don’t buy new computers very often, and for a long time I slightly favored Macs over Windows PCs. So no one perhaps is more surprised than me that my now four-month old laptop is a Sony and not an Apple. Continue reading

Windows 7 Starter editions odd “three app limit” behavior



I’ve spoken before about how Windows 7 Starter edition’s built-in artificial “three app limit” where users can only run a maximum of three applications at any one time could be a pain for those looking for cheap netbooks (and could mean that they end up paying for an upgrade). But now I’ve hand a chance to play with the Starter edition of Windows 7 I’m more confused than ever as to how it works. Continue reading

Good-Bye XP. Hello Windows 7


Microsoft has wanted to kill Windows XP for years. There was only one problem. The users refused to let it die. Now, that Windows 7 is almost ready to go, Microsoft is, once more, trying to ax XP.

Microsoft did this to themselves. Vista was a flop. Even now, according to Net Applications’ Market Share, Vista has only a lousy 23% of the desktop market. For a while, Microsoft ignored the fact that even their own executives were horrified by just how bad Vista was. But, then the Linux-powered netbook came along, and Microsoft was frightened enough by its early successes that it un-retired Windows XP Home.

Now, Microsoft wants to kill off XP again. Step one will be bringing free support for XP to a close on April 14th. Step two is letting anyone and their uncle get a free copy of the Windows 7 release candidate sometime in May. The timing is by design. Continue reading

What Windows 7 might have looked like

In a presentation at last week’s Mix 09 event in Las Vegas, Microsoft designer Stephan Hoefnagels traced the evolution of the company’s new Windows 7 operating system.

“This was a pretty wacky brainstorm that we had early on,” Hoefnagels told the crowd. But, he said, it wasn’t just a bunch of designers going crazy. Even these early sketches represented a collaboration across the technical and design ranks. “In this brainstorm for instance, all the disciplines were involved…developers, program management, user research. Everybody was coming up with these crazy ideas.”

  Early sketch of Windows 7 Continue reading

Microsoft touches more on Windows 7




Microsoft has already gone into plenty of detail about the touch features in Windows 7. In fact, touch was the first thing that the company shared when it came to how Windows 7 would look and feel.

But for those that really want to go deep, the company on Wednesday posted an even more detailed look at the thinking that went into building touch into Windows 7. Continue reading

Full version of Windows 7 on Samsung Netbooks? Maybe


Though Microsoft wants Netbook purveyors to pack future products with full versions of the new Windows 7 operating system, it’s going to come down to pricing, as one Netbook maker, Samsung, confirmed. sat down with the head of global computer marketing from Samsung, Kyu Uhm, on Wednesday, where he discussed Samsung’s development of Netbooks around the new features available in Windows 7. When asked about what versions of the OS the company plans to make available on its Netbooks, Uhm had this to say:


“Currently Microsoft provides Windows XP for Netbooks. For Windows 7 they would like to give us Windows 7 Starter Edition for Netbooks. That’s the current plan. [Different versions are a] matter of how much we need to pay to Microsoft. It is an open issue. So we can ship other Windows 7 versions, but it is a matter of royalties.”


Microsoft has been saying since before it showed off Windows 7 that it intends for the operating system to reach into the Netbook arena, a segment which Vista largely overshot due to its hefty memory and disk space needs.

The challenge, it appears, has more to do with pricing. Microsoft is offering all of its flavors of Windows 7 for use in Netbooks. The company has said it hopes more PC makers will choose the Home Premium version, but it is also making available a “starter edition” version. Previously, the stripped-down Starter version had only been used in emerging markets.

As Samsung’s comments indicate, it appears PC makers’ decisions will largely be a factor of just how much more Microsoft wants to charge for Home Premium vis-a-vis Starter.

by Erica Ogg

Windows 7 Upgrade Program shifts to June 26, 2009


TechARP has come up with a new revised schedule of Microsoft’s Windows7 Upgrade Program. The Upgrade Program shifts to an early date from June 28, 2009 to June 26, 2009 now.

According to the new schedule, end users who purchase PCs pre-installed with Vista between the dates June 26, 2009 to January 31, 2010 are eligible for a free Windows 7 upgrade. According to TechARP, this slight adjustment was done at the request of many OEMs to allow for better sales over the first weekend of the Program. Continue reading

First looks&Download: Windows 7 Beta


At a Microsoft blogger’s event last week, Techgoondu and several local bloggers walked home with copies of Windows 7 beta. I decided to give the newly-minted OS a test-run on my 2-year-old Macbook and the results were much better than I thought.

First impressions were favorable: Windows 7 beta installs much faster than Vista. Installation time was approximately 20 minutes, compared to roughly 45 minutes when I first installed Vista Ultimate on my Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz machine with 4GB of RAM. The installation process has also been streamlined into five steps. The only problem I had was with the license key which the Microsoft folks presumably forgot to provide. There is a simple workaround for this, thanks to this Lifehacker tip. Continue reading

Next Office version to ship in 32-bit and 64-bit versions


You learn the most interesting things when you poke around in some of the arcane files that are included with Windows 7 beta releases. In the most recent build of Windows 7 that I’ve been able to examine, I’ve confirmed that Microsoft plans to release its next version of Office in 32-bit and 64-bit flavors. That’s a detail that my colleague Mary Jo Foley didn’t discover in her December 2008 rundown of what we know about Office 14

The clues to an upcoming x64 Office release are hidden in an obscure XML file used by the Windows Easy Transfer utility, which transfers settings for Windows and selected applications from an old PC to a new one. In the official beta release of Windows 7 (finalized in December 2008), Migwiz.xml includes the same list of applications found in Windows Vista. But in post-beta builds, this file has been updated to include more modern programs.

Earlier today, as I was scanning through the file to assemble an updated list of applications that can be migrated to Windows 7, this heading caught my eye:

Directly underneath this block of code is a list of programs to be detected. It’s the same list of nine programs found under the Office 2003 and Office 2007 headings, except that the Office 14 section includes an extra “_x64” entry for each one. Here, see for yourself:

In addition, there are separate sections labeled “Office x86 detects” and “Office x64 detects”. Elsewhere in the file are sections that cover different upgrade scenarios. For Office 2003, there are three rule sets:

  • Office2003to2007SettingsUpgrade
  • Office2003to14SettingsUpgrade
  • Office2003to14SettingsUpgrade_x64

Similarly, you can use the wizard to upgrade from Office 2007 to Office 14 or Office 14_x64.

The fact that this code is being baked into Windows 7 now suggests that the rumors of an early 2010 ship date for Office 14 are accurate. Having native 64-bit support for all members of the Office family is an extra bonus and welcome news.

by Ed Bott

华硕施崇棠:Windows 7不会有效刺激PC销量


据中国台湾媒体报道,很多PC厂商和主板厂商认为,Windows 7并不会在很大程度上刺激PC销量,因此也不可能从中受益.
本周一,有市场观察家预计,受Windows 7的推动,2010年全球PC出货量将增长10%以上.而今年,全球PC出货量预计将下滑5%.

但台湾地区的PC厂商和主板厂商却并不这样认为.首先,Windows 7的硬件需求并不是很高,因此不足以推动市场更新换代.其次,在当前低迷的经济形势下,企业和个人均削减了预算.

因此,价格是用户购买新PC时所考虑的惟一核心因素.华硕董事长施崇棠和总裁沈振来(Jerry Shen)均认为,Windows 7不会在很大程度上刺激PC市场更新换代.

当前, Windows 7尚处在测试版阶段,RC有望在未来1-2个月内发布,而正式版预计于圣诞购物旺季前上市.